
Work for sale

Although we haven't set up a real online shop, with a functioning cart and checkout, (it's a lot of hassle when you're not dealing in mass produced items), what I have done is uploaded some pictures with descriptions of my newest work, and I will be selling these individual pieces if anyone is interested. Here are a few samples from there:

To be honest, the biggest detractor for us selling consistently online is both the amount of time it takes to individually photograph each piece, measure it, and post it online (something my father won't be able to do once I'm not here), as well as the cost and risks involved with shipping. A standard mug, shipped in Ontario, is roughly between $10-$12, for shipping alone, which is half the cost of the mug!! Porcelain is heavy as a shipping object, requires A LOT of careful packing, and is still extremely fragile, so it's not the best method for us. However, as I am here for 1 more week before leaving, I thought I would try an experiment and put some items online and see if there was any interest.

These are more items for friends and family to have access to, and they are each one of a kind. 

So please check out the shop section I've added, I'm slowly updating more and more items. If you are interested in any of the pieces, please e-mail me directly,, and I can work out shipping and logistics and give you an accurate price for what it will all cost.